it's such a long time i do not write anything here. i know the effort to write is good to polish up the skills. express yourself and speak out your mind!Tulis je...
it's almost 2 months we've been in our hometown with our beloved families. the excitement cannot be measured. apa yang teringin dan teringat nak makan semua dah makan, yang rindu dendam nak jumpa, dah jumpa. as for my kids after a couple of weeks they looked quite confused and bored. tyah, my 2nd daughter asked me 'when we'll back to uk 'forever'? Forever?amboi mengada-ngadanya!! but i know her question manifests her feeling.she felt uncomfortable because of the weather changed drastically, she felt bored because she left her friends in the uk, she felt confused because of the languange..but everything is temporary. tak dang sebulan , english tah ke mana.dah masuk sekolah semula kat KT, apa lagi, cakap ganu la.....
after a few weeks at home, my mum was warded to the hospital for minor stroke. she got high blood pressure and diabetics.Thank God, i am here. i just can't imagine if this happen and i'm not here. as for now she is under treatment and of course the food intakes strictly must be observed.
1 year ago
Salam kak ayu.
Selamat ber'blogging'...lama x dgr khabar berita. Bila nak kembali ke Durham ni?
Semoga mak kak ayu segera sembuh.
Salam Kak Ayu, baru dapat dengar cerita. Best la dapat makan2..
Ha..cepat2 balik boot dah start ni!
Alhamdulillah kak ayu berkesempatan untuk menjaga emak sementara kat sana.
yu, got loads of stuff to share e.g. polis dtg umah kakzu, immigration oficer melawat kzu, adi kena palit dgn dog poo...loads more to come...mai cepat balik and boleh kita resume minum teh tarik, minus kakzu of coure *sob**sob**
life has been really mundane here without your presence...hurry back
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